Unity-chan Card Combat (UCCC)

A rogue-lite deck-building card battle game.

Unity-chan is invited to a strange world of card battle.

(Yuko-chan, Unity-chan's friend, developed this virtual game for her.)

Your objective is to survive waves of enemies in continuous combats.

Get powerful cards and utilize them to fight against enemies.


This is a home scene to begin your journey to battle.

Caution! Since this game is "rogue-lite", your character's status (battle progress, current health, coins, deck cards, etc.) is always reset (except diamonds and power-ups) when you came back to this home scene.

Start New Battle

Begin a new journey to battle. Beware all your status is reset.

Continue Battle

Continue your previous journey at the point of after your cleared last encounter.

Buy Power-Up

Enhance your character's initial status permanently. (Diamonds are required.)

You can buy power-ups by consuming diamonds. (Max 9 steps for each power-up)

Initial Coins

Increase amount of coins at battle start. (+100 coins per step)

Max Health

Increase your character's max health. (+10 health per step)

Max Action Point

Increase your character's max action point. (+1 action point per step)


This is an intermission scene just before you start next combat.

Go Next Combat

Start next battle against enemies.

Show Deck Cards

List up your own cards.

Enter Card Shop

Offers card pack to get new cards. (Coins are required.)

You can buy a card pack to get a card randomly.

Each pack includes random cards selected by its kind. You can get only one of the cards for each purchase.


This is the battle scene to play combat with enemies.

On the left side, there is your character. And on the right side, there are enemies.

The battle is turn-based. At your turn, you draw 5 cards from your hand pile and you can use cards to make actions.

To use cards, you must drag and drop on the target enemy (if you selected an attack card) or your character (if you selected a block or heal card).

The used card is stacked to the discard pile (to be recycled to your hand pile) or the exhaust pile (never recycled in this combat).

When you use a card, your action point is consumed (required point is shown in the card). You can use any cards as long as you have action points.

After you pressed "Turn End" button, the enemy turn begins. The enemies do actions indicated with the icons above. You should prepare for their actions in advance.

The key point of the battle is to utilize status effects. Status effects is shown with icons below of characters.

If the enemy's health is below zero, the enemy is defeated. Then you can get some coins (doubled if you defeated the enemy with just zero health [Just Strike!]).

If your character's health is below zero, the game is over. You are returned to home scene.

If you win the combat, you can get rewards.

After you acquired rewards, you will proceed to next encounter of this stage or next stage if you defeated the stage boss.

There are 4 stages in this game. At stage 4-4, there is a final boss. Can you defeat the powerful boss and end your journey?

Currently this game is only available in English.

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Terms and Conditions

This game is provided under the Unity-chan license terms.

(C) Unity Technologies Japan / UCL


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